Happy Mother’s Day!

Mother. The receiver of home-made gifts. The bearer of “my kid is a genius” bumper stickers. The warden and the best friend, all wrapped up into one. Being a mom is quite rewarding, but is also one of the hardest jobs in the world. Whether you’re a mom who has it all together or one who’s still trying to figure out how to take a shower and cook dinner, all while keeping the baby alive, this article is for you. We’ve compiled a list of helpful apps to make your life as a mom just a little bit easier…and let’s be honest, more fun.

The Early Years

The app: Seemail

The cost: Freeseemail

The skinny: There is nothing family and friends, particularly those without children, love more than to see than pictures of your beautiful  bundle of joy at every stage of their development. With Seemail you will not disappoint. Plus, with this fun app you can take it one step further by adding your baby’s voice! Tell your baby to get those goo goo’s and ga ga’s ready.

Available for Apple devices

The Toddler Years

The app: Giggle Registrygiggles

The cost: Free

The skinny: Here’s a great way to avoid having your child open a new set of tambourines for thier birthday. Giggle registry allows busy moms a quick and easy way to build a list of gifts that their bambino wants or needs….ones that won’t drive her insane. The best part: registries can be created and edited right from your cell phone, wherever you are. It’s also a great way to plan your gift registry for baby #2…or 3…or….well, you get the point.

Available for Apple devices

The “Teens and Tweens” Years

The app: FourSquare/Hashtag mom

The cost: Free

The skinny: If ever there were a point in motherhood where you had to question how much you truly even like your kid, it’s when they’re a tween/teen. The adorable little creation who you once relished over somehow morphed into a seemingly possessed time-bomb waiting to explode at any minute, over any little thing. Well, there’s an app for…part of that.

Foursquare has partnered with the app Hashtag Mom to resolve at least one of those arguments. With Foursquare/Hashtag mom, no longer will you have to debate over whether or not your kiddo needs to call as soon as they get where they’re going. You’ll also know that they’re exactly where they said they would be. This app allows them to check-in at a location and sends you a text message or calls you to let you know they’ve arrived safely. Oh, and it’s also great for the adult “kiddos,” like me, whose  parent’s will expect an “I made it” message until we’re 80. We’d say it’s a practical spin on new technology.

hashtag-momAvailable for Android and Apple devices

 The “Now what…” Years

The app: Stylish Girlstylish girl

The cost: Free

The skinny: Now that those pesky kids are out of the house, you’ll have plenty of time on your hands to do whatever you want. And while you might not know what “whatever you want” is just yet, you can still look great while figuring it out. Stylish Girl-Fashion Closet is a neat little app that helps you create your own style based on the clothes that you currently have in your closet. Simply take pictures of your clothes and add them to your “virtual closet” where you can mix and match them to create a fun new personal style. You can also create a catalogue of your “wish list” outfits and shop online! Plan ahead for a big event or travel by picking out your outfits using this nifty app.

Available for Android and Apple devices


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